Raja Shankar Kolluru
The One
Programmer Spiritual Seeker
- Services at the cutting edge
- The Camel Glue for MicroServices
- On the Design of Software Organizations - Balancing Autonomy with Governance
- De-coupling releases from deployment
- What Lewis Carroll can teach us about Web Architecture
- On Technical Debt
- On Micro Services Architecture - Old Wine in a new Bottle?
- Opspeak
- On Architecture, System Thinking & the Nazca Lines
- Stevey Can Rant.. I Cant
- Ecommerce & Java
- On Digesting XML
- EDA and Incremental ETL
- On Project Ramp ups
- On Estimation & Agility
- On IoC containers & Stateful components
- Calculating percentiles in MYSQL
- IOC, AOP - 101
- The Law Of Demeter
- The n+1 selects problem..
- On Enterprise Architects..
- App Optimization - Asynchronous Pre-fetching Strategies
- Application Optimization - Design in Retrospect
- Perf Analysis - Browser Caches & Response Code 304
- Perf Analysis - Web Layer & Browser
- Performance Analysis of a web application
- Bug Driven Development
- Domain Model and Application Contracts
- On Program Contracts
- The Power of "NO"
- On Choice & Necessity
- Framework design patterns.
- On Shells, Pipes and Senile Operating Systems..
- The making of a Goliath...
- SaaS and Dynamic Database Columns
- Class Dichotomy
- Bug Trends and some interesting SQL stuff
- Business Model vs. Revenue Model
- Solar Heating and Patterns..
- Infrastructure vs. Application - Layered Architecture
- Class & Module Dependencies - Minimizing them
- A more detailed look at modularization
- The evil Static Method
- The Router Pattern
- SOA & Programming
- OOAD and the Strategy pattern
- On Modularization
- Organizing and Architecture..
- On The Zachman Framework
- Refactoring, Evolutionary Design & YAGNI
- Spring AOP - Some Recommended Usages
- Multi Column Sorting in Java
- Patterns,Frameworks, Specifications, Conventions & Configuration
- KPI - Key Performance Indicators
- Asynchronous Execution Wrapper
- Auto wiring Spring Test Cases
- Project Automation
- Mockery
- Java & Performance
- Caching - stuff you have always wanted to know but were afraid to ask
- Flow Orchestrations
- Engineering in a Software Development Company
- Prelude to AOP - Requirements, Patterns, SRP and DRY
- Hello world!