Flow Orchestrations

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Most enterprise applications follow a layered architecture. The best practice is to layer an application as a UI layer and the Middleware layer which in turn interacts with an EIS (Enterprise Information Services) layer . When implementing Middleware services, it is common practice to use the Session Facade pattern. The simplistic version of the facade pattern is to provide a request specific facade that in turn accesses underlying domain specific services. The facade abstracts the underlying model and also provides additional horizontal services.  The underlying domain layer itself is designed to be utilized by multiple facades. Hence the domain layer must refrain from providing most horizontal services by itself but should integrate with what is initiated by the facade. Example: Transactions. The domain layer should not introduce new transactions but should instead integrate with the transactions that are initiated by the facade. The facade as a consequence, becomes quintessential to the implementation of a robust middleware services layer. This introduces the following problems:


The first step in solving the bloated facade problem is to design fine grained components that provide one service at a time. This is in line with the Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) (which states that a component should have one single responsibility so that it should be changed because of one reason and not multiple reasons). Our bloated facade would not follow SRP since the facade implements both the request specific functionality and also the horizontal services. Hence it has to change if the request specific functionality changes(which is acceptable) or if one of the horizontal services change(not acceptable). So we introduce the notion of a command. We define a command as a stateless component or class with a single responsibility that provides a reusable service. (This harks back to the question. Can commands be stateful? The short answer is YES but the functionally scalable answer is NO.  This is a whole different discussion that I would get into in another post)This can be a horizontal service or a request specific service. Hence by this definition the facade itself becomes a command that provides a request specific service(and nothing else). The commands should be stateless since they can then be easily deployed in multi-threaded environments. Now to service a request would involve a colloboration between these commands. The commands are chained and wired to the incoming request using the chain of responsibility pattern.

Chain of Responsibility

An architectural idiom that pervades through Data Flow Systems is that of “Pipes and Filters”. The pattern itself forms the backbone of UNIX shell scripting. There is also an allied design pattern called the Chain of Responsibility pattern. The classic version of the Chain of responsibility pattern constructs a chain of commands. Every request is passed through this chain till one or more of the commands respond to the request. The commands have the chance to return a response and stop the further processing of the chain. We adopt the chain of responsibility pattern but retain more of a flavor of the pipes and filters approach i.e. we set up a chain of responsibility of commands, but allow multiple commands to mutate the input.


In UNIX systems, the filters read standard input and write to standard output. Hence a byte stream is exchanged between communicating processes. The processes themselves are not aware of the exact flow that has been set up using pipes. But they communicate with each other by reading the input byte stream and generating an output byte stream. We need a java equivalent to facilitate communication between our commands. This is the Context object. It would contain certain attributes that facilitate the flow. It also should contain some typical request and response attributes. (for instance pagination context, sorting context etc) Specific request - response flows should inherit from this base Context. This context should also contain a map so that it can be used for storing request and response domain objects without the need for extension.

Chain, Router & Orchestrator

A chain of responsibility implementation requires various components that share the responsibility of setting up the chain and co-ordinating the way individual commands function within it. An orchestrator is a command that initiates the chain of responsibility. The simplest implementation of an orchestrator is as a simple command that stores the first command in the chain within itself. The orchestrator delegates all execute() requests to the first command in the chain. Hence in code

    public class Orchestrator implements Command {
    private Command firstCommand;
    public Context execute(Context in) throws Exception{
    return firstCommand.execute(in);

Orchestrators can also provide a “catalog”ing functionality. A catalog is a list of named commands that participate in the flow. Orchestrators also typically store a catalog of CommandDescriptors. A CommandDescriptor contains meta-data about the command. This catalog of descriptors allows for management of the flow from a user interface (such as an Instrumentation Panel or JMX). An OrchestratorConfig is a component that undertakes the task of assembling the various commands into the flow. An orchestration config may have the ability to parse a flow definition language(FDL). It can also rely on other IOC(Inversion of Control) frameworks such as Spring to set up the flow. A chain is a command that supports a list of linked commands. These commands are executed in sequence by the chain. The commands have the ability to stop further processing of the chain if desired. Alternately, the commands can choose to be unaware of the fact that they are participating in a chain. A router is a command that has several commands attached to it. The router passes control to one of the attached commands based on the context that is being passed.

Integration with DI


Gaurav Malhotra: Having shared white board session on the above topic and using your brain child in my current project/other project(s)… It was pleasure reading this article…and reliving white board session with you.. fab article

Gaurav Malhotra: Also this framework … is blessing if used with your Service Identity concept (subject/operation design pattern) Please write article on that alss

raja shankar kolluru: Thanks Gaurav. This article does require augmentation from white board discussions :-) I have been meaning to break it down into multiple articles but haven’t had too much time to do that. I also agree that I should cover the subject/operation pattern that has been a core design tenet of mine in a lot of architectural overhauls. more work to do. But I am sure glad that it is benefitting somebody.