Caching - stuff you have always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

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I was having a recent chat about caching with someone. It was interesting enough for me to reflect on and add to my ruminations here in this blog.

The Basic Idea

Caching is all about performance. The basic idea is to avoid repeating a complex, input-dependent, stable operation- be it data manipulation, algorithmic computation or expensive calls over the network - by storing the results of the previous computation and returning the results from some kind of a caching repository using some key based on the inputs passed to this operation. The preceding definition probably has left you more blurry eyed than what you were when you first stumbled on to this page! Like Sherlock Holmes would say, there are certain singular points about caching that are of interest and hence would require further elaboration.

Input Dependent Complex Operation

I define a complex operation as something that would consume a lot of computing resources. These resources can be CPU resources or network bandwidth or anything else that is sparse and should not be used in a profligate way. This operation should be input dependent which means that every invocation of this operation must produce the same result given that the inputs are the same. The operation also has to be stable meaning that the results produced by it should not change in a random way. For instance, the results cannot be based on some random number generation or be influenced by the current time of invocation. However, it is acceptable that the results change with time. For instance, it is acceptable to cache data that is editable by the user.


To re-iterate, the idea in caching is to avoid the computation again by storing the results of the first computation in some place. So where do we store the results? The answer is that we store it somewhere from where we can easily retrieve them again when needed. This place is the caching repository or in short cache. Hence the cache is the place you goto when you want to

Cache Key

We have already said that the computation performed by the “cached operation” produces a result that is only dependent on the input parameters and nothing else. Hence by using the input parameters as the key we should be able to retrieve the results of the previous computation without repeating the entire operation once again. This key that is dependent on the input parameters for the operation is called the cache key. The results are stored in the cache using this key. They are also retrieved using this key.

How is Caching implemented?

This is best illustrated with an example. Consider the diagram below: Caching Flow The client makes a call to a complex operation. This call is intercepted typically by a caching interceptor which computes the key from the input parameters and queries the cache with the key. If a value is found in the cache it is returned back to the client thereby bypassing the call to underlying method. Otherwise, the complex operation is invoked and its results are cached into the cache. The results are then returned back to the client. Thus the cache gets updated for future requests.

Pro-Active and Reactive Caching

The above diagram illustrates reactive caching wherein the cache is only populated on the first request. The cache would never be populated if there had been no requests with the particular input parameters. A second approach is Pro-active caching where the cache is populated actively by some agent running in the background. The results are returned from the cache. A combination of both pro-active and reactive caches are also possible. In this approach, the cache is populated pro-actively. When an actual request is made, the cache is first checked to see if it contains the data that needs to be returned. If the data is found it is returned. Else the cache is first populated reactively as before and returned.

When to use What kinds of Caches?

Pro-active caching works well in the following cases:

The Issues involved in using a cache - A Balancing Act

The use of caching, like any software strategy, tends to become a tight rope walk dictated by a few parameters which need to be considered carefully. The biggest problem with caching is that of “cache staleness”. What this means is that the caches can potentially contain data that has since been updated at the source. Hence the data retrieved from the cache becomes stale data and unfit for serious applications. Example: Let us say we are caching account balances. The balance has got updated into the database afterwards thereby resulting in stale data in the cache. This problem tends to get compounded if the data at the source changes frequently. Hence the following observations prevail: