Spring AOP - Some Recommended Usages

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Horizontal concerns & SRP

We start with an object oriented tenet that states that one class must implement one and only one responsibility. This is called the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). SRP states for instance that a UserService class can only do “user management” and nothing else. This at the outset may look very obvious to everyone. But on closer inspection of any typical UserService class the following can be observed:

Introduction to AOP

Aspect Oriented Programming (or AOP) attempts to address this problem. Functional requirements (such as User Management) are directly handled by core classes in the application. Horizontal or non functional requirements such as security are implemented by specialized classes which are interwoven into the core classes. These specialized classes are called “aspects” and this approach to programming involving the interweaving of aspects around core target classes is called AOP. For the purposes of this article I am going to call the normal application class such as UserService that caters to a functional requirement of the application (such as User Management) as a target class. Now that we got the definitions out of the way, let us see how AOP is implemented in typical OO programming languages.

How aspects work

A typical aspect is integrated into an application as illustrated below: aspect_flow A method in a target class is invoked. But before the control passes to the actual method, an aspect is invoked. The aspect first makes a decision whether the underlying method in the target class should be invoked. It may be possible that the aspect may decide to not invoke the underlying method. (Eg: Security aspects and caching aspects work this way) If it does decide that the underlying method should be invoked, then the control is passed to the target class after some pre-processing. The aspect also gets an opportunity to do some post processing after the underlying method in the target class returns after the invocation. Hence the AOP implementation must somehow get hold of the target class invocation and be able to “decorate” it with aspects. Let us look at some AOP implementations in Java.

AOP Implementations

In Java, AOP can be implemented in a few ways:

Spring AOP - An introduction to key terms

AOP Alliance

The AOP Alliance is a joint effort by various stakeholders to define a consistent way of accomplishing AOP in Java. The alliance defines the key interfaces but leaves the tedious details to the implementations. Spring AOP is an implementation of the AOP Alliance.

Advices,Advisors, Proxies

The AOP alliance introduces the notion of an Advice. An Advice is a class that is supposed to intercept the invocation of another class and render some extra functionality. Hence advices are aspects. Advices can be inserted before a method is invoked There are various types of Advices that have been defined as part of the AOP alliance. Spring AOP supoprts only AOP through method interception and hence is capable of supporting one sub-type of advice called Method Interceptor. An advice is applied on a “target” application class using a dynamically generated “proxy” class. The proxy class sets up a chain of interceptors around the target. Interceptors are typically advices or advisors. Advisor is a spring (i.e. it is not defined as part of the AOP alliance) interface that abstracts access to an advice. Every advisor must be hooked with an advice. The advisor delegates control to the advice only if certain conditions are met. For instance, a security advice is only applicable for methods that need to be secured. Hence the advisor that abstracts access to the security advice would check if the method being called currently is secured. If it is not secured, the security advice is not even invoked. In summary, an advisor can be conceived as a filter for the advice delegating control to the underlying advice only if certain conditions are met in the method invocation. A Proxy is the class that surrounds the target. The proxy is hooked to a list of advisors and advices. For each advisor, there should be an underlying advice. If an advice is hooked directly into the proxy, then it is unconditionally invoked.

A Detailed Segue into The Method Calling Sequence.


raja shankar kolluru: Thanks Ronald!

Arthur Ronald F D Garcia: Well documented article about Spring AOP. Congratulations!

santosh: Great Article, well documented , descriptive with good presentation.

raja shankar kolluru: Thanks Santosh.